Housing Support

Maintaining a home environment

A clean house can infuse so much positivity into your life. But time may not permit you to keep your house in order, the way you wish to. Why worry when the team at Uniworld Care2Help is here to help? We can provide one-off and scheduled home maintenance services. Contact us for more information.

Improving social skills

We live in a social world that requires us to interact with people every day. This makes social skills very important. Uniworld Care2Help runs social skills classes every [day/date], which are designed to equip students with critical social skills. Our group and one-on-one classes can be personalised to suit your learning style and needs.

Managing substance misuse

Substance misuse can have a devastating effect on your life and the lives of your loved ones. But it is possible to break away from this self-destructive habit, given the right help. At Uniworld Care2Help, we partner with professionals who specialise in substance misuse management. They will design a rehabilitation plan that can help you overcome substance abuse.

Managing personal health

Your health is your biggest treasure. Maintain it with help from the trained staff at Uniworld Care2Help. Our individual health management professionals can oversee, support and assist people living with disabilities and chronic illnesses. From helping you take your medication on time, to taking you to your check-ups, we can help you with everything.

Managing physical health

Physical health is vital to lead a life of quality. Engaging in 75 minutes of moderately-intense activity per week can increase your lifespan by 1.8 years! At Uniworld Care2Help, our staff can help you get in your daily dose of exercise, physician-prescribed or otherwise, and help you keep yourself active and healthy.

Sustaining tenancy/accommodation

“Eviction” is a word that everyone dreads. Uniworld Care2Help is equipped to help home renters continue their accommodation, through end-to-end tenancy support. We will help you meet your tenancy conditions and requirements, pay your rent on time and maintain your house in perfect condition. Speak to us for more information.

Participating in community activities

Have you found a community activity that you may be interested in? If yes, speak to Uniworld Care2Help. We will help you sign up for the event and prepare for it. From shopping for the right clothes to preparing your meal for the day, we can organise a stress-free day for you so that you can enjoy your community day.

Developing confidence

Self-imposed inhibitions can take away so many wonderful experiences in life. No more! At Uniworld Care2Help, we can help you overcome your shyness and break down your inhibitions and restrictions and develop confidence. Following a well-designed plan that involves different types of activities, we will help you become more-confident versions of yourself.

Complying with statutory orders

Statutory non-compliance can make your life a nightmare. Avoid problems by having the staff at Uniworld Care2Help assist you in following lawful orders. We will educate you about the regulations you need to follow, and we will keep you apprised about any amendments to these orders so that you can discharge your duty as responsible citizens.

Participating in training and education

Why stay at home and stare at the idiot box all day, when you can go out and learn something new? Uniworld Care2Help can help you find, select and apply for training sessions, vocational classes and skills seminars that are perfectly suited for you and which are happening right in your neighbourhood.

Participating in work or related activities

Planning to apply for a job soon? At Uniworld Care2Help, we organise work experience sessions where students and professionals can come and try their hand at different careers and vocations. Using a proven teaching pedagogy, we impart the skills you will need for your new job while helping you experience what a day at the office feels like.

Reducing debt

Debt is invisible, but a genuine threat. Often, you may not realise you’re in debt, until its too late. At Uniworld Care2Help, we can help you learn ways to reduce and manage your debts. Our debt counsellors are highly-experienced, and they can help you end the tiring and troubling cycle of debt, once-and-for-all.

Improving independent living skills

Disability and illness can strip away your independence. But with the right training and support, you and your loved one can find a way to live independently, without stress or challenge. At Uniworld Care2Help, we give patients, families and caregivers the training they need to help the patient lead an independent and empowered life. Contact us for more information.